Web & UI
Do Business with Ukrainians (volunteering project)
A website for a non-profit organisation connecting Ukrainian companies with international business in order to support Ukrainian business during the war.
The website is designed and built with WIX and is being actively updated to support the changing need of the project.
Sunflower Relief (volunteering project)
A website of a non-profit organisation raising funds to support Ukrainian people impacted by the war, organising logistics & informational support.
The website is designed and built with WIX and is being actively updated to support the changing need of the project.
Yedynka Digital
A website for a digital agency.
The project included website design and illustrations. Development done by the client.
Designed and built with Webflow.
A website for a residential surfing project in Brazil.
Designed and built with Tilda.
Harvest Kaplankaya
A website for an wellness festival in Kaplankaya, Turkey.
Designed and built with Tilda.
Hand-drawn Good (personal project)
A website for a collection of hand-drawn icons and UI elements.
Designed and built with Tilda.
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